Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Dreaded Flight and Train to the Hotel

The Plane
Just got into the plane sitting in seat 13A.  I have to admit this chair if really comfortable.  It is actually obscenely comfortable.   The seat has like 8 positional buttons and preset settings as well.  I have a shitload of space and they already offered me Champaign before takeoff.  I must decline as I will be taking my happy pill shortly.  Thank goodness for Xanax & and her generic sisters.  Takeoff went pretty smooth and so far everything is looking good.

Shit I see a mechanic.  I am afraid, I am very afraid!  whoo!  Close call it was just a chair that was defective.  I feel better now. 

The flight attendant seems nice.  He said he was in the witness protection program.  I took his picture.

They provide you with noise cancellation headphones and a little goody bag where you get everythign you will need to make your flight even better!

They start you off  a glass of Orange juice and warm Nuts.  Followed by a nice salad and roll.  I selected the Chicken tandoori plate (I also went with some wine even though I shouldn't).  I have a feeling I will be eating a lot of Indian food on this trip.  The dinner was amazing.  I know that I had my shitty little pulled pork sandwich a few hours ago, but I cannot just leave the food there to spoil.  This was all followed by a nice Ben and Jerry's cookies and cream Ice cream.  Breakfast was also pretty amazing.  A cheese omelet with potatoes and a fruit plate.  

The Train
I arrived to London and now need to make it to the hotel using public transit.  I did no research, I thought that it will be easy because I am in England and they speak English.
I bought the train ticket from Heathrow to  Burnham.  It was about 45min but very comfortable even with 2 luggage and a laptop bag. 

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