Thursday, August 4, 2011

Windsor Castle - Meh!

I went to Windsor Castle had a Pizza and went back to the hotel.  My lens was not big enough to capture it in all its glory.  I may go back another day and try again. 

Maidenhead and new Friends

In England it is OK to get into a car with strangers.

So this is pretty much how it went.  I am chilling at The Bee Pub in Burnham all by myself.  I get approached by  Darren and he says, "whats up".  I said "nothing much just relaxing".  He immediately recognizes I am not from around here and asks why I am in Burnham.  I told him I was working and he just said OK you are coming with us.  I was like what, where?  At that point I did not really care and I just went.  I got into the car and away we went (I do not recommend getting into strangers car in another country.)

While in the car bad thought starting going through my head.  Will I be kidnapped, raped, and murdered?  So of course I ask them if I was going to be kidnapped, raped, and murdered.  Darren just tells me not to worry and that he is a cop.  He shows me his badge.  I feel a little better after that.  I asked him again, "are you really a cop?"  He says, "Yea, part time".  Again I am worried, but it is too late and we were on our way.

We stopped at this cool little pub called Noctors and proceeded to have fun and sing some Karaoke.  I do not partake in this public display but everyone else did.  After this we ended the night at a Kabob stand.  This was like no other kabob I had ever seen.  It was huge!  It was the best kabob I ever had.  Thanks to my 3 new friends for showing me a night out.

Important reference:

From the Left:
Gary, Laura, Darren