Sunday, July 31, 2011

Burnham High Street

Burnham has a nice little town.  In the UK all towns have a High St.  It is like our Main St.  I was walking around for a while and wanted to check out one of the local pubs.  I decided on The Bee.  Here I met a few nice people who told me all about the little town of Burnham and where to eat.  When I asked them what will be good around here they said to try the Indian restaurant called Unique Spice.  I thought they will recommend some local British cuisine but I was wrong.

I started my drinking by having a Extra Cold Guinness.  Not sure why there are 2 types but I guess you can also order it room temperature.  I followed that with a ice cold Stella that my new friends I met treated me with.  They also warmed me about a pub called the Red Lion.  They said that as an American I may not want to go there, challenge accepted!

I took the advice of the locals and had dinner at Unique Spice (  They were amazing.  I walked in and I was the only one at the restaurant.  On Sunday most restaurants are totally empty.  They said that most people hang out Thursday to Saturday.  I told the waiter to just bring me the best thing he has.  I told him I was from California and preferably to give me something that is unique to the restaurant.  He said he knows just the thing.  He brought me the Tandoori King Prawn Specially prepared in a tandoori sauce, skewered & chargrilled in the clay oven.  He also served mushroom rice and the best garlic Naan I have ever eaten.  It was great and I will be back.



Burnham Beeches Hotel

TIL that this hotel is named after the type of tree that grows in this area.  My first impressions of the hotel is fancy to say the least.  It has a very traditional look to it and floor creaks as I walk it's halls.  It has a nice little bar but I don't think I will be drinking there anytime soon.  It is usually empty and does not seem like a fun place to drink.  This hotel is frequented by Football players and Roger said that when he stayed here a while ago the British football players were actually practicing on the lawn before a game.